Lexemint | Word Mint | Mars Eve
(Lexemint vr1 Mars Eve 5.28.21 Word Mint r14 e1 E)

Status: for SALE: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/48556336598773853126966970338152337587416243295272805509096404423836098887681
Collection | Word Mint: https://opensea.io/collection/word-mint
Lexemint: the tokenization of a word and the definition.
I do not own this word. I am tokenizing this word for provinance. This word, and the definition I have chosen, is officially on the blockchain. I do not own rights to this word. Use it freely and generously.
Inventory Number: DA0014Y21 / Lexemint v1 Mars Eve 5.28.21 Word Mint r14 e1 E
Cataloged at http://MFND.org
For more info, contact me: [email protected]
.▼▤◥◗˙ MFND NFT Inventory
▤ Mars Eve
Inventory Number
▤ DA0014Y21
▤ Lexemint v1 Mars Eve 5.28.21 Word Mint r14 e1 E
Original Title
▤ Lexemint | Word Mint | Mars Eve
Description txt
▤ Lexemint: the tokenization of aword and the definition.
I do not own this word. I am tokenizing this word for provinance. This word, and the definition I have chosen, is officially on the Blockchain. I do not own rights to this word. Use it freely and generously.
Inventory Number: DA0014Y21 / Lexemint v1 Mars Eve 5.28.21 Word Mint r14 e1 E
Cataloged at http://MFND.org
Mint Date
Listing Date
Sale Date
▤ https://opensea.io/
▤ Word Mint
▤ Minting Words and Definitions on the Blockchain https://mfnd.org/
▤ https://opensea.io/collection/word-mint
▤ 3000 x 3000, 300 DPI
▤ MP4 | Lumafusion
▤ 1
▤ 1 @ .5 ETH