All GOLD editions are 1/1 originals with unlockable content.
With each original artwork, you will recieve a password, and artist contact information via email, text, or anonymous messaging via website form(bottom of this page).
Standard GOLD variant unlockables include a portrait sketch by Mars Eve. Portraits can be hand drawn, or digital. All portraits are freehand, and in the contemporary style of the artist. Portraits can be of the patron, their avatar, or of anyone actually(especially if the patron wants to remain anonymous). Completed portraits can be delivered electronically through email, DM, or Metamask address as a Matic NFT(viewable on OpenSea). Portraits will remain private unless permission is given to publicize.
Special Edition SILVER variants will include 1 year subscriptions to all Mars Eve Gifty or PixiBit Matic/Polygon NFTs. These limited edition NFTs are never sold, but are given away by the artist. With this subscription, the patron is guaranteed to receive all Giftys made that year, potentially excluding any Giftys made prior to the SILVER Variant contract transaction. The Giftys will be sent to the Metamask address of the current owner of the contract. As the contract is transferred, previous Gifty NFTs will stay with the primary address, however all new releases will be transferred to the current SILVER Variant contract address.
( homepage for )
PixiBit GRIMES | sun GOLD variant/unlockable | Mars Eve

PixiBit GRIMES | moon GOLD variant/unlockable | Mars Eve