This is my Research and Development blog category about my journey and experiments with NFTs.
For basic information about, go to the front page and read the FAQ.

Sometimes I am slow AF. I found a journal entry in October of 2020 to investigate more into NFT. UGG..missed it.

In January, I started watching videos by NFT artist- Mankind, and started watching NFT headlines… Initially I didn’t understand the collectible nature of it, I just instantly saw a way to finance conceptual art and this peaked my interest. At the time I didn’t care about any of the artwork or styles…

My first NFT:
March 1 2021 I joined Clubhouse. Since that day, my momentum with art has been building.
Once on Clubhouse you can not escape the NFT craze. In my first week I was in the art room hosted by Matty Mo( – I loved everything he had to say! After doing some research I realize that he was the perfect mix of Silicon Valley entrepreneur and modern artist.
Soon after this, I joined Matty’s TMFA community. I was lucky enough to be a part of their Elon Musk NFT project. Through this project I sold my first NFT.

My first non-collab NFT.
I released my first set of Matic NFTs on April 27, 2021. It is a set of 20, I gave away 19, and listed one for sale on the Matic block chain. These are my first steps of experimenting with the NFT process- without going broke. I have already made rookie mistakes in trying to transfer or converting cryptocurrency and losing $$$. (if you are getting into crypto, hidden fees, or broken systems will cost you $$$. Its part of the beast)

Why now?
Urgency. Things are moving so quickly in the crypto-space. I have to get some ETH NFTs up so that I can be ready for what’s next. What is it? I have no idea but I must be prepared… I may not have the resources to learn on the fly.

Also I’ve been waiting to launch NFTs, because I have no previous Fanbase, only friends. I didn’t want to just make art and just throw it up on the Internet. I don’t even like doing that with Instagram or Facebook… much less paying high fees just to put my art up on the Internet…
Thanks to the Matic process, minting, and transacting is literally free. However I understand that there is a limited window of me doing this. Once Matic becomes easier, more people will do this,…

PLANS- to keep documenting my process. I will be posting about my Matic process. I will post about promotion, and NFT marketing as I figure it out…. I have designated a Twitter and IG @mfnd_org for promotion of this site.

The purpose of this site is to inventory and market my digital assets. I will also document the journey!
Where are you at in your NFT journey?
contact me on socials, or [email protected] !

Cheers, Mars